A coconut in Italy

When you buy a coconut to grow in-house, there are three types of reaction:

Reaction 1: it's a waste of money! it will die in less than two months 

Reaction 2: it's a waste of money! I already tried and it died in two months. You'll come back to us with the pictures of the dead coconut in a couple of months. 

Reaction 3: go dude, and let us know!

 I'm a fan of reaction 3, so I bought one in a garden center in North Italy, risking to waste up to 16 euros. It was November 2018 and here is a picture of my little coconut.



Well...the nice thing is that it did not die after two months, on the contrary it grew quite fast over the next year.


And now, after more than 2 years, it is still alive and doing well: actually, it is close to reaching the ceiling with the top leaves

What is "my secret" to grow the coconut? Here is a short list of actions:

1) Choose the right position: light (a lot of light, I have velux on the roof), temperature (always >20 °C)

2) Do not overdo: I water it once per week, no salt, nothing else. A little bit of fertilizer every month or two.

Yes, it is a pineapple the one next to the coconut. But that's another story!



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